It is important to receive chiropractic care during pregnancy for two reasons: take care of the mothers spine and nervous system to help her stay healthy and active; improve the chances that the pregnancy progresses naturally and supports optimal baby position and delivery.
Pregnancy causes hormonal changes and weight gain that can place increased stresses on the joints of the spine and, particularly, the sacro-iliac joints. During pregnancy, ligaments become more flexible to prepare for child birth, but this can destabilize an already stressed system. The proper self-care of mom includes chiropractic care and helps her body to adapt to the unique stresses that pregnancy brings.
The proper care of the mother’s spine also improves the ability of the baby to grow and position itself. Sometimes, the position of the pelvic bones, in addition to the accompanying tension in the hip flexor, lower back, pelvic, abdominal and diaphragmatic muscles can reduce the volume and symmetry of the abdominal cavity reducing the ability of the fetus to move into optimal positions in later-stage pregnancy. It is the hope that good chiropractic care of the pregnant woman improves the chances of being able to have a natural child birth with a fetus that has a head down position with a head attitude (position) that allows good passage through the birth canal.
Stressed mothers can lead to babies who are more susceptible to an increased chance of labour complications, birth defects and long-term health outcomes. Chiropractic care can help normalize the sympathetic/stress response in the mother’s nervous system. You can reference some of this information in the article linked below.
Post-Partum Care
Recovering from delivery takes time. New mothers have to recover from deliver and contend with sleepless nights, long periods of carrying a child, breastfeeding and coping with the demands of life with a new human being to care for. Chiropractic care helps the the body recover by ensuring that the pelvis is stabilizing into a good posture after having delivered. It manages pain and supports the body that is fatigued and under increased biomechanical and postural stresses. A chiropractor with experience can also facilitate mother-child bonding by caring for the infant and giving support and tips for posture and activities that are helpful.
Chiropractic care for the pre and post partum women is a team approach. We often work with and refer to allied health practitioners including pediatricians, family doctors, doulas, midwives, lactation consultants, massage therapists and pelvic floor physiotherapists.